Tumaini = HOPE
I would be lieing if I said that putting all of this together was easy. I've become capable (but definetely not master) of completing numerous tasks since I decided to get involved in the developing world of Kenya. That's because I pride myself in running this organization without administration costs. I want every penny that finds its way to me to get to them. Unfortunately for me (and sometimes the viewer) this also means that I have to teach myself how to do things such as create websites! I've chosen to use blogger because there are no fees to maintain it. It's been a painful process, but I've somehow managed!
Why? I fell in love with a small community in Western Kenya and the amazing people that live in it. They are my grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters - and truly are in need of some simple support systems in order to better their own lives. It is not my wish to create a 'western-dependant' culture but rather to mobilize the people by providing opportunity thus allowing them to sustain themselves in the future. The resources are there, I promise you that. I've lived with them, shared with them, grown with them - I know.
I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to take a peek inside of their lives. The pictures, stories, EVERYTHING are my own. Through the internet, a camera, some story writing, and a bit of compassion... I am their voice. And I love every bit of it.
Sincerely, Amanda Flanagan
Project Founder & Director
A short message from the founder and director.